Autumn baits 🍁 🍃 🍂

There is a chill in the air and nights are drawing in, only one thing for it, hearty meals.

I have emptied a drawer of the freezer and ready to fill it with warming food. Autumn makes me want broth and stews. A trip to the local butcher with a gammon joint and full chicken and veg, sorted us out for a cook off. Chicken cooked for Sunday lunch, leftover chicken for stew and bones boiled for stock, gammon joint provided a couple of ham, egg and chips yummy meals and the rest for broth. While I was chopping the veg I decided to make hash too.

Corned beef hash, ham broth and chicken stew sorted for a few autumn baits!

Pork loin on a bed of cabbage, chestnuts and crispy bacon with Dauphinoise potatoes and sage and onion jus

I had a pork loin joint in the freezer and hadn’t got round to using it as a Sunday roast, I thought I’d make a treat meal for Mr H using his favourite foods. So, pork loin on a bed of cabbage, chestnuts and crispy bacon with Dauphinoise potatoes and a sage and onion jus was born. Not to mention the crispy cracking on the side!

It went down a treat!