Breakfast for Tea!

Mr H loves a good old English breakfast. I’m not so keen, I’m never hungry enough on a morning. So while we were meal planning, he suggested we have this for evening meal one night. It didn’t sit right with me but by adding chips it was perfect for tea! It will feature on our meal planner in the future.

Toad in the Hole

The best tea ever. The great north south divide depends on what you call your evening meal. Living in the north east it has to be ‘tea’ . Dinner is what you have around 12 noon and evening meal is tea!


Toad in the Hole

So when asking the hubby what he fancies for tea thinking he will have an exotic idea, he comes out with Toad in t’ ‘ole (Toad in the hole). He is a Yorkshireman born and bred so Yorkshire puddings have to be impressive to satisfy him! I class this as a good old fashioned tea, I love trying new recipes and new ingredients but sometimes a good old fashioned tea is what hits the spot!
Its so simple to make, either a large one for a family to share or individual ones. I like to use Cumberland sausages or any different flavours my butcher has to offer, the pork and leek he has are also amazing.


Toad in the Hole

Cook the sausages to your liking, heat either a large or individual baking tins in the oven on its highest setting with a good dollop of lard. You can use other oils but lard is much better in my opinion. While the lard is heating make the batter mix. Once the oil is smoking, take out the tins and add the batter mix and the sausages. Cook for around 20 minutes and you should have the most amazing Toad in t’ ‘ole!
I usually serve it with mash and veg, oh and gravy, northern boys love gravy.

The batter mix recipe for Yorkshire Puddings can be found Here.

Sausage and Egg Muffin

imageI love pintrest and often find new food ideas on there. I noticed a version of a McDonald’s breakfast and decided I had to try it! I only saw the picture not the recipe but thought it should be fairly simple so I tried it yesterday and Wow!image

It was surprisingly simple to make so I made a couple of extra ones. These have been frozen and I will defrost the night before I want them and heat them in the microwave, a great breakfast to take into work.

Thinking of what they are, I reckoned an easy way to replicate would be to buy muffins, sausage meat, cheese and eggs. The muffin pack consisted of four muffins so that was how many I would make!

imageAfter I made them I realised I’d probably only used half of the ingredients I bought so I worked out if I had bought two packs of muffins rather than one including the pack of 8 pork sausages, 10 cheese slices I bought in Aldi and the fresh farm eggs in the cupboard, the whole lot of 8 sausage and egg muffins worked out at £4.16 which is 52p each! A significant saving of the cost at the restaurant and just as convenient!

Fresh farm eggs are always superior to shop bought eggs and a guarantee that they are genuine free range eggs. Always a better chance of getting a double yolker and the colour of the yolks are much more natural.


Ingredients for 8 make ahead muffins

2 x four muffins
1 pack of 8 pork sausages
Pinch of salt and pepper
8 fresh eggs
Pack of cheese slices


Half the muffins and toast them, remove the meat of one sausage, add salt and pepper and shape onto a patty equivalent or slightly larger than the muffin. Grill both sides of the patty until browned, place on top of the muffin, add a slice of cheese. Fry the eggs in a metal ring again to comply with the size of the muffins. Once cooked add onto the cheese, put the top of the muffin on and there you go!

Once cooled wrap in parchment paper and pop in the freezer. When you want them, take them out to defrost overnight and put them in the microwave to reheat for 1and a half minutes!