Beef and broccoli teriyaki

Teriyaki is one of my favourites, I usually have chicken but as we had beef left over from Sunday lunch, beef it is!

I make the teriyaki sauce from this recipe. To the beef I added left over broccoli from the afore mentioned Sunday lunch, add the sauce and serve with rice and spring onions.

The perfect bait!

Brocolli Mac n Cheese

I’m far from doing the ever popular ‘veganuary’ but I don’t mind the odd ‘Meat Free Monday’.

I love the old mac n cheese but sometimes find it’s missing a texture. So to add this and make it a bit healthier I added broccoli, perfect! 👌 a lovely crunch, cheesy flavour and one of my five a day. I think I’ll have this again!

Tuna and Brocolli Pasta Bake

I’m no where near a vegetarian but the phrase ‘meat free monday’ always plays on my mind when meal planning. I saw this recipe and thought it would be a nice quick after work meal and it was! I didn’t use tomatoes because I think they are the devil’s work but it was still delicious.

Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup

Sunday lunch has to be one of my favourite meals, nothing gets wasted from it either. The dog is always happy with any veg left over! Meat will always be used in sandwiches, curry or a stew and as for Yorkshire puddings, they are the perfect snack.

I’d made a honey roast ham and saved the stock, this popped in my mind when I was prepping Sunday lunch. I was having chicken so I thought of a chicken noodle soup. I had dry noodles in the larder so boiled these in the stock then added some of the veg I was prepping, sliced carrot, cabbage and broccoli I added a bit of garlic and ginger and a couple of home grown chillies. There were some mushrooms in the fridge that needed using so they got thrown in too.

It was delicious and made loads so it was portioned into plastic tubs and put in the freezer for later!

Minutes to do and using what would be leftover ingredients other than noodles, it was extremely cheap!

Spicy Fish Cakes

Although I’m not keen on fish, I quite like these fish cakes as they are not too fishy.  I saw them being cooked on James Martin’s Saturday Kitchen and slightly adapted the recipe.  We used this recipe recently as a starter for a dinner party and they went down well. Tonight we made them slightly bigger as a main for us for our tea, simply served with broccoli (naughtily cooked in butter),  salad and a red chilli and tomato jam. I would love to take credit for the jam but that was a gift from our friends.  I usually make a sweet chilli sauce to serve with them as a starter.  I’ll post that recipe another day.




Spicy Fish cakes with buttered Broccoli and salad with chilli jam

olive oil for cooking

1 small onion

8 garlic cloves

3 medium hot red chillies

1.5kg fish fillet, skin removed

A good handful of chopped flat leaf parsley

3 free-range eggs

250g fresh white breadcrumbs

salt and pepper



Gently fry the chopped onion, garlic and chillies in a little oil for two minutes, then remove and allow to cool.

Blend the fish in a food processor for one minute, then tip into a large bowl.  Add the onion and chilli mixture, parsley, beaten eggs, breadcrumbs and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well, using your hands, until well combined.

Divide the mixture into and mould into patties. Plate and cover in the fridge for 20 minutes (or until ready to cook, if you are making them in advance).

Heat the oven to 200C. Meanwhile heat a frying pan over a medium heat and add a drizzle of oil then the patties and fry for two minutes on each side. Transfer them to a baking tray and place in the oven for three minutes to finish cooking.